Pro-Act Microbial assists with
nutrient management

Our microbes are earth and vegetable based; they
are the same microbes that digest nutrients in the soil. Anaerobic
gases and solids coming from the bottom are converted to proteins
and amino acids, fixing the nitrogen. The TKN reading should actually
go up a little. Our microbes do not change the amount of nutrients
in the manure, but they do change the form. They turn your manure
into a gentle, time-released fertilizer. They also allow for stratification of the nutrients; since agitation is not needed in lagoons, settled
phosphorus can remain at the bottom until pumped.
Transportation & application
Many farmers have more manure than land available for application. This problem has been magnified with the
of phosphorus-based nutrient management
regulations. Our
microbial system reduces solids and
viscosity, allowing much
of the phosphorus and
nitrogen to settle to the bottom. The
top water is
low in nutrients and can be applied, even on
crops, to allow the level of the lagoon to be lowered
throughout the season. Because agitation
is not
needed, the bottom water can be
pumped out and
taken to more distant fields. This flexibility, provided
by stratification, is
priceless when trying to comply
with all the
reduces odor / liquefies solids / nutrient management
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Copyright © 2011 Pro-Act Microbial, Inc. The treatment systems of PRO-ACT MICROBIAL® are protected by U.S. Patent
No. 7,267,766. Other U.S. and foreign patents pending. |