Organic substances, including oil, decompose with
the help of microbes. Naturally occurring microbes
will remediate oil contamination given enough time.
However, there are not enough naturally occurring,
oil-degrading microbes present at the contamination
sites. Pro-Act can boost the number of the oil degrading
microbes through bioaugmentation to shorten the time
needed to clean up oil contamination.

Pro-Act Biotech's Oil Clean is carefully
cultured to include the
strongest blends of oil-eating microbes to
supply a highly-effective and natural solution for
oil bioremediation.
Where does Oil Clean work? Oil
Clean works in situ with contaminated soil and
water and in bioremediation cells. Oil Clean
is equally effective in salt or fresh water. It
works in wetlands, on soil, rocks, wood; it works on
any surface as long as it gets wet for a portion of
the day.
How does Oil Clean work?
Our microbes use oil as their primary food
source. They grow and multiply on the oil, and they
keep reproducing until the food source is gone. Our
microbes will produce surfactants that help to
disperse the oil. Unlike chemical dispersants, the
surfactants produced by microbes will not harm the
environment. The end results of oil bioremediation
are carbon dioxide, water and microbial biomass,
part of the natural food chain.
Following the oil spill in Alaska's Prince
William Sound in 1989, experts brought in oil-eating
bacteria to help clean up the mess.
"Follow-up studies suggest that the microbes did
as good a job in cleaning up soiled beaches as
high-pressure hoses and detergents could have done.'It was almost as if we had brought in fresh rock,'
stated the EPA's project manager after visiting the
site. "1
Pro-Act's Oil Clean can been a strong ally
in returning life back to normal as proven by our
work with clean-up contractors.
Contact us for more information.
Excerpted from BIO. "Protecting Our Environment"
Washington, D.C.: Biotechnology Industry
Organization, 1992.
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Copyright © 2011 Pro-Act Microbial, Inc. The treatment systems of PRO-ACT MICROBIAL® are protected by U.S. Patent
No. 7,267,766. Other U.S. and foreign patents pending. |