Pro-Act Microbial
Pro-Act’s System Helps
Farmers Save During Tough Times
8, 2006 ---- The cost of fuel is up, fertilizer prices are going
up but the milk price is heading south. For everyone, this year is
proving to be tough. The bright spot in the horizon is Pro-Act
Microbial. Pro-Act’s manure treatment system is helping its
customers keep some of their hard-earned money.
Increases the fertilizer value of the manure. Pro-Act’s microbial
mix liquefies manure solids while keeping more plant friendly
nitrogen in the system. Their system turns the manure into a gentle,
time-released fertilizer and allows for stratification of the
nutrients. Since agitation is not needed in lagoons, settled
phosphorus can remain at the bottom until pumped. Because they’re
using less commercial fertilizer, their average customer has seen a
minimum savings of $35 per acre. A 500-acre farm would save $18,000
per year!
Reduces or even eliminates agitation costs. When pumping, little or
no agitation is needed because of the reduced solids and lowered
viscosity of the treated manure. This results in great savings in
fuel costs for the farmers.
Reduces hauling cost. Pro-Act’s system reduces solids and viscosity,
allowing much of the phosphorus and nitrogen to settle to the
bottom. The top water is low in nutrients and can be applied, even
on growing crops, throughout the season. Only the bottom water,
heavy in nutrients, needs to be hauled to far away fields.
Proven results. A dairy farm in Pennsylvania was pleasantly
surprised by the tallest corn they’d ever harvested after using
Pro-Act’s manure treatment system for only a year. Another farm had
to leave over 100 acres of corn un-harvested because their silo was
full from the abundance of corn silage…all without purchasing any
commercial fertilizer! Imagine all the money saved just from
fertilizer alone.
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