Pro-Act Microbial
Pro-Act Takes the
NextStep™ in Ag Waste Treatment
Warren, RI, November 27, 2007 --- Pro-Act Microbial,
Inc. announced its new flexible, modular treatment system in August
2007. At this time, it was referred to as the Ideal Treatment
System. Although the key benefits and groundbreaking technology
remain the same, the system has adopted a new name: NextStep™.
This system which takes Pro-Act’s core manure treatment system to
the next level was crowned “NextStep” to better convey the modular
setup that allows users to “step up” to its efficiency and benefits.
Provides a controlled environment for even better system
Flexibility allows for the system to be customized to the farm’s
NextStep is easily converted into an anaerobic digester
The first step
of Pro-Act’s waste treatment is treating the manure with their
microbial system which conditions the waste for the NextStep, while
it reduces odor, liquefies solids and helps with nutrient
The NextStep is adding a process tank (such as a Slurrystore® tank)
which provides a controlled environment for the microbial system to
work more efficiently. This magnifies the key benefits:
Rapid settling of solids and phosphorus to the bottom of the
tank, allowing for easy removal.
Biological action stabilizes the nitrogen which reduces odor and
builds a gentle, fast-acting fertilizer.
Top water with reduced solids is moved to the next stage,
reducing hauling costs and providing improved irrigation water.
collection: Another benefit of taking the NextStep is that this
innovative technology provides a convenient way to collect, utilize
and profit from biogas. The gas can be used to heat the process tank
to ensure year-round top performance, to heat the barns or water or
to generate electricity. It can also simply be flared off, allowing
farms to profit from the carbon credits.
Green technology: NextStep provides cutting-edge green technology
for the agricultural industry. It helps farms, their communities
and, on a larger scale, the environment by managing phosphorus,
reducing odor and solids, stabilizing nitrogen and capturing biogas.
The dairymen get a manure treatment system that is easy and
economical to operate. The neighbors are happier residing next to a
farm that has a lot less odor and that is not likely to pollute
rivers and streams. To the environment’s advantage, the biogas will
not go to the atmosphere and can provide a consistent source of
renewable energy.
With the NextStep, manure treatment, nutrient and biogas collection
can all be accomplished simply, effectively and economically.
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