Pro-Act Biotech
Allies in Manure
Treatment Announce New System
RI, March 18, 2010 --- An increasing number of dairies are using
sand as bedding for their cows as it provides a clean, healthy
environment. Reusing the sand is not only cost effective but
environmentally sound. However, sand must be cleaned properly to
avoid spreading disease and infection amongst the herd. Two
companies that supply environmental treatment solutions have joined
technologies to develop a highly effective solution: SandSmart™BTR.
Pro-Act Biotech is a leader in biological products and systems while
EcoSolutions has the engineering expertise. Together, their
technologies deliver a complete manure treatment system from design
to implementation that results in clean, reusable sand.
SandSmart™BTR is a biological product designed specifically for
sand-bedded dairy farms and is best used in a flush or flush flume
manure system. The key to cleaner sand is cleaner flush water.
SandSmart™BTR provides the dairy with superb flush water which
cleans the sand with ease. Cleaner sand provides a healthier
environment for the cows.
“SandSmart™BTR is not only the key to healthier and comfortable
cows, but it's essential to keep the farmers in compliance with CAFO
regulations,” explains Bill Campion, president of Pro-Act Biotech.
The system treats and stabilizes animal wastes, making them farmer
and environmentally friendly by reducing TSS, BOD, viscosity and
The use of SandSmart™BTR can also help meet with possible future
regulations. Independent tests confirm a substantial reduction in
hydrogen sulfide emissions when using SandSmart™BTR. This reduction
could be important in the years to come.
Often times, a dairy farm undertakes repeated attempts to make the
manure system functional. As part of their service, SandSmart™BTR
program strives to avoid such redundancy by providing free
evaluations of existing manure treatment systems.
For more information, contact Pro-Act Biotech at 1-800-772-3775.
About Pro-Act.
Pro-Act Biotech, Inc, the leading supplier of biological products,
provides highly effective environmental treatment systems for the
concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO), food waste and the
aquaculture industries.
More information is available by contacting Christa Grigorov at
ChristaG@proactbiotech.com or by calling 1-800-772-3775.
The environmental treatment systems of PRO-ACT BIOTECH® are
protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,267,766. Other U.S. and foreign
patents pending.
About EcoSolutions LLC.
EcoSolutions provides engineering and ecological design services for
low impact developments, wastewater treatment, storm water
treatment, water reuse and pond systems.
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